Monday, April 30, 2012

Delicious, Yet Healthy Meals

by Stacey Day

Mention organic foods to a room full of people and chances are a majority of them will turn up their noses, expecting for the food to be revolting. Why is this? Why do many individuals automatically assume that just because food is organic that it doesn’t taste just as good as non-organic? Well, one reason why people do this is they simply aren’t educated about what exactly organic food is. Organic food is food that was grown and/or processed without any artificial chemicals or additives.Organic food is usually more flavorful, has more vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes, which help you to properly digest the food that you eat.

Non-organic foods could actually do more harm than good. The amount of pesticides and other chemicals that are on the outsides of regular produce is astronomical. Even if rinsed prior to consumption, this type of produce still harbors a large amount of harmful chemicals, which can build up in the body and cause various problems. And let’s not forget meat. Lots of people love meat, but non-organic meat is often injected with harmful antibiotics and hormones while the animal is still alive. And why do farmers do this? Well it’s the same reason why others do so many other things that could be potentially harmful to people: Money. The farmers’ rationale is that they inject the cattle and other animals being raised for meat, to prevent any type of disease. They can’t sell diseased meat to supermarkets. Their reason for using hormones on the animals is to get them to mature a lot faster, which creates a quicker turnaround for the farmer. But what happens when we eat this meat, laden with these unnatural products in them? Well, the antibiotics can cause the people who eat the animals that contain them on a regular basis to become antibiotic resistant. This means that when they contract an illness requiring the treatment of antibiotics that the medication that their doctor prescribes may not work because their body has built up a resistance to the particular drug. This could be extremely dangerous, depending on the type of illness a person contracts.

The hormones that are injected into cows, pigs, chickens, etc. can cause people to have hormonal imbalances, and can even affect thyroid functioning. So why take a chance with your body? Organic may be more expensive, but it’s worth the cost.

Stacey Day writes about Couponscooking Coupons code and Kitchen products

Article Source: ArticleSnatch Free Article Directory


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